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$28.00 Regular price

Ruslana Earrings

NightLight Collection

Ruslana (ROOSE-lah-nah): A women as powerful as a lioness

The stunning Ruslana Earrings are a perfect blend of elegance and vibrant colors. These exquisite earrings feature the captivating combination of arctic, cerulean, and indigo Japanese beads carefully arranged on an e-coated hoop with gold-plated wire. Embrace your unique style with these eye-catching Ruslana Earrings that effortlessly elevate any outfit.

Product Dimensions: 1 1/2" in length

NightLight Collection employs women in Bangkok, Thailand, seeking an alternative to the sex industry. NightLight artisans are able to work in dignity and freedom, experiencing meaningful employment and opportunities for holistic healing. Your purchase opens doors to healing, restoration, and hope. Thank you.