Multiply freedom for women around the world with a NightLight Collection Pop-Up.
NightLight Collection restores hope to women seeking an alternative to the sex industry in Bangkok, Thailand. You can multiply freedom for women in Thailand and around the world by inviting others to shop handcrafted designs at your own NightLight Collection Pop-Up.
Your unique schedule, opportunities, and relationships present unique opportunities.
Host in your home, workplace, church or community. Throughout the process, our team will walk alongside you, offering resources and support to ensure your pop-up is a success! (Bonus: We offer our hosts special rewards as a way of saying, "thank you" for linking arms with our artisans.)

NightLight Collection pop-up hosts are called "Ambassadors." Ambassadors play a powerful role in restoring freedom and dignity by introducing others to the products and mission of NightLight Collection.
YOU can multiply freedom in just a few simple steps.

YOU can multiply freedom by connecting others in your community with artisans who've been set free to shine.
Ready to get started today?
Pop-ups are currently available in the United States only. We hope to expand to other regions soon. For opportunities for involvement outside of the US, please contact us.